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Spaces guided by you,
held by me.

Does this sound familiar?

You know you have the potential for something greater.
You want to tune back into the frequency of faith.
You are ready to experience true fulfilment and alignment.
You know it's time to step out of stagnant energy.
You know that deep down you are worthy of all you desire.
You are ready to feel joy & ease again.



Before we dive in, I need you to know: 

I’m not here for you to be reliant on. To give you answers.
To create a specific transformation. To stroke your ego. 
To fix you. 

Why?  Because you don’t need any of that.

You are not broken. You don’t need fixing. You are already perfect.

Instead, what I do is create a space where you can:

Feel safe for your feelings to surface.

Connect to the messages from your body.

Remember what you already know.

Reconnect to love instead of fear.

Surrender to what is with full acceptance.

Find the answers that you are seeking outside of yourself within.

Tune into the frequency of your soul/highest self/truth.

See your perfection from a core level.

The Spaces

I can’t give a prescriptive outline of what these sessions will look like because
that would be a disservice to your power.
Each space is guided by what you need on a soul level
(whether you are aware of it or not).

Some of the modalities I incorporate to do so are as follows:


Reiki is a powerful energy therapy involving the ancient Reiki principles to promote balance, healing and emotional well being.

Spiritual Coaching

In these private sessions, I aim to provide you with a safe and supportive environment where you can confront your biggest challenges and explore your greatest potential. Together, we will work on navigating unresolved issues, revealing your dreams and desires, and taking steps towards achieving your life goals. Each session is tailored to your specific needs, and may include Reiki, Spiritual Coaching, Angel Healing, Theta healing, Angel card readings and intuitive insights.

Theta Healing

Here I use Theta Healing to help shift your inner beliefs about yourself and your circumstances. We promote balance, healing and emotional well being.

Ways to work with me:

Energy Shift

Perfect if you need a quick boost of inspiration. or are looking for simple advice on a single issue. Tell me your most pressing concerns or questions, and I will draw up to three angel cards. Brief intuitive insights, including a healing dose of Reiki, will be emailed to you within 76 hours of payment.

CHF 20 per reading

90 minutes

A space to become unstuck and create shifts within your current reality. I will begin the session listening to what is coming up for you and then intuitively guide the session. This can vary from space to feel your feelings, reiki to realign your energy or theta coaching to rewrite subconscious programming that is keeping you stuck.  

CHF 111

3 months

A deeper dive over the course of 3 months to create long-lasting shifts and guidance into how to hold space for yourself beyond our time together.  Sessions will vary from space holding, to deep re-writing of your sub-conscious. 

CHF 800


“Leigh-ann's sessions were some of the most nourishing, profound and impactful I've ever been in (and I've been in the healing space for a long time). I went to the session feeling stuck, stagnant and weighed down by what I came to realise were things that weren't even mine. The inner-child healing and theta coaching was the exact combination I needed to have a huge shift. I came away from our time together feeling lighter than I had in I don't even know how long. Most importantly, I felt connected to myself and was actually able to sit with my emotions afterwards (instead of the numbing I had been doing). I now make decisions based on what feels true for me and for that I can't thank you enough Leigh-ann. These spaces were exacrtly what I need and more. 

If you are being intuitively called to dive into this space together, 

first I invite you to sit with the following:

  • Why do you think you need me?

  • Are you ready to do the work? To look at yourself?

  • To really help yourself?

  • Do you feel enough as you are in this moment?

If you still feel the call to enter these spaces after dropping in

and listening to your inner knowing, then I’d love to connect...


Book a free discovery call

a no-obligation space for us to explore what is rising for you right now and how you can tap back into the voice of your inner knowing. 

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